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Privacy Policy

Brief Information on the Processing of Personal Data

Pursuant to the current legislation in the framework of the EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Regulation on Personal Data), FORMA.Azione srl, based in Perugia, Via Catanelli 19 and Giove InFormatica srl, based in Deruta, Via dell'Arte, 24 - Data Controllers - process personal data provided or collected through entities authorized by us, for purposes related to participation in their initiatives, as users, consultants or suppliers.



This information is provided by FORMA.Azione srl, with registered office in via Luigi Catanelli nr. 19 - 06135 Perugia and by Giove In.Formatica srl, with registered office in via dell'Arte nr. 24 - 06053 Deruta, as Data Controller. The data collected are processed in accordance with the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of the confidentiality and rights of each data subject. The data processing is carried out by manual, telematic and computerized means. Security measures are taken to avoid the risks of unauthorized access, destruction or loss, unauthorized processing or processing that is not in accordance with the purposes of collection.

The provision of personal data is compulsory limited only to the data strictly necessary to establish the relationship aimed at enrolment in the training project and, in case of admission, the provision of related services, as well as to finalize the registration in the computer systems of management and reporting of funded projects. This conferment is a necessary requirement and its absence implies the impossibility of acquiring the application for enrolment and related registration in the computer system of management and reporting of funded projects.


Categories of personal data processed

We will process the following personal data:

Personal data, residential or home address and contact information (such as telephone and e-mail address);

Bank and/or payment data, if applicable;

Purpose and legal basis for processing

The data provided are processed for the following purposes:

fulfilment of legal obligations;

management of the relationship and provision of services under the Training Project;

sending informative, institutional and promotional communications related to our training and cultural activities;

sending communications related to training activities and cultural events promoted by partners.

The legal basis of the processing is identified with the consent to the processing of personal data.


Categories of third parties to whom the data may be disclosed

For the execution of the training project and the fulfilment of legal obligations, we may communicate personal data to the following categories of subjects:

Umbria Region or other funding bodies;

Partner companies;

Companies, Professional Studies, Associations, for the conduct of internships, seminars, training internships, practical activities;

Studies, consultants and companies as part of assistance and consulting relationships;

Public authorities, where the prerequisites are met.

These subjects will process the data as data processors.


Categories of third parties to whom the data may be disclosed for commercial purposes

Data provided for commercial purposes will not be disclosed to third parties.

Duration of processing and storage period

Data will only be processed for as long as necessary for the purposes listed and to fulfil legal obligations. The data will be processed for the purpose of sending informative, institutional communications and until any withdrawal of consent for such purposes.


Rights of access, deletion, restriction and portability

Data subjects are granted the rights set forth in Articles 15 to 20 of the GDPR. By way of example only, any data subject may:

request and obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her is being processed;

if a processing is taking place, obtain access to the personal data as well as information about the processing, as well as request a copy of the personal data;

obtain rectification of inaccurate personal data and supplementation of incomplete personal data;

Obtain, in the event that one of the conditions provided for in Article 17 of the GDPR is met, the deletion of personal data concerning him/her;

obtain, in the cases provided for in Article 18 of the GDPR, the restriction of processing;

receive the personal data concerning him/her in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, as well as request their transmission to another data controller, if technically feasible.


Right to object

Every data subject has the right to object at any time to the processing of his or her personal data carried out in pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Data Controller; unless there are legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh the interests.


Right to withdraw consent

Where consent is required for the processing of personal data, any data subject may, likewise, revoke consent already given at any time. Consent may be revoked, by writing an e-mail communication to:


Right to propose complaint to the Guarantor

Any data subject may file a complaint with the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data in the event that he or she believes that the rights he or she holds under the GDPR have been violated, in accordance with the procedures indicated on the Guarantor's Internet portal, accessible at:


Free of charge for the exercise of rights

The exercise of the data subject's rights is free of charge.


Personal Data Controller (DPO).

The personal data controller is in the person of the President pro-tempore and Legal Representative, contact data:


We therefore ask you to please express your written consent to the aforementioned processing and to the resulting communications and/or dissemination, as well as your commitment to promptly notify us of any changes in the data in our possession, by kindly sending us a copy of this undersigned letter for acceptance and confirmation.

Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

An https cookie or, simply, cookie, is a small text string sent by a server to a web client (usually a browser), subsequently sent back by the client to the server every time the client accesses the same web domain, which it is used to perform automatic authentication, tracking of browsing sessions and storing information about users, such as favorite websites or the pages of a website that you visit most frequently.


Some cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the site and cannot be disabled while others, concerning the storage of preference parameters, such as the storage of the user name, can be disabled. However, the advantage of having cookies installed on your PC is that you no longer need to fill in the same information each time you access a previously visited site.


Why and which cookies do we use?

Thanks to the use of cookies, our site wants to offer a more fluid browsing experience tailored as much as possible around the user's preferences avoiding, for example, that, at each visit to the site, the user must enter the same information, speeding up process of finding the informations.


The cookies used by our site can be divided into:


"First party" cookies, managed directly by the owner and / or manager of the website. They are defined:


Technical cookies, in turn of two types: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are stored on the user's computer for mere technical-functional needs, for the transmission of session identifiers necessary to allow safe and efficient navigation of the site. They are automatically deleted at the end of the browsing session (hence the name), when the browser is closed.

Persistent cookies are stored on the computer hard drive until they expire or are deleted by the user. With persistent cookies, visitors who access the site are automatically recognized at each visit, also to the advantage of the user's fluency in navigation. Among other things, they allow, in fact, to memorize the parameters of searches carried out previously, avoiding having to fill in the same information several times. These cookies do not collect information about the user that can be used for the purpose of sending advertising material, nor do they keep track of the user's navigation on the web, but their installation is a necessary condition for using the site. It is not necessary to provide consent to these cookies, as reported by the provision on the identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for cookies from the Guarantor for the protection of personal data of 8 May 2014;


"Third party" cookies, these are cookies set up and managed by parties unrelated to the website visited by the user:

Cookie Analytics: these are cookies used to collect and statistically analyse access to the website, without personally identifying the individual visitor to the site;

Cookie Advertising: this category includes cookies used to collect the preferences of individual users and use them for advertising purposes, during their usual web browsing. These cookies do not result in the sending of advertising material to the customer. The advertising cookies used by our site include those of Google, Criteo and Facebook.

Our site does not use profiling cookies, or aimed at sending advertising material to the user.


It is possible to receive more information and disable third-party cookies by accessing the following pages:









How can cookies be deactivated?

By changing the settings of your Internet browser you can manage, limit or completely block cookies. We inform you, however, that any total disabling of "first party" cookies will not allow you to browse our site. Below we refer you to the procedures for disabling cookies relating to each browser:


Internet Explorer




To delete cookies from the browser of your smartphone or tablet, it is necessary to refer to the user manual of the device in question.

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